Monday, November 15, 2010

sorry closing the site

Designing my new website. This blog is closing to the public soon sorry.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

luck in the date scene

Well, after the disastrous coffee date. I finally found a man who is cute, smart, great business savy bullshitter, who owns his own place, athletic ice hockey player and above all #1 concern....normal/no drama. He does have pretty good biceps but he doesn't kiss them. Thank god.

I guess things do come to those who wait. Not to settle for losers.

Gifts from his b-trips, endless kisses and opening my door every single time .holding my hand during the kings game at the rink... I am not complaining.
Even put gas in my car...

He knows difference of J-food and Thai food are not the same. He likes my cooking, no complains. and tolerates my corky self.

keeper...def.... keeper (*^ _ ^*) yay!!!!!! let's see how long it will last...

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Coffee date gone WAY WRONG!!!

To pass my time of boredom, I recently went online again to find interesting people to meet. Well, let me tell you about the coffee date today.

The guy was white Caucasian, a haole 6ft4. He looked like ... not so good in picture,but I said "Hey, what the hell! It's only a coffee date?"

So I went to the coffee shop not expecting anything but to see a buff/ FAT guy in front of S-bucks. He.... did not look anything like his picture.

To be exact he look 3x wider than his picture. Then he had the most annoying voice. That sounds JUST WRONG!!! LOL He was trying to make all these jokes and he just sounded like a efing jerk. NO WONDER HE HAS BEEN ONLINE for such a long time.

The thing is he actually thought he was HOT. Now I've known coffee dates to be some what civil and just a friendly chat to say hello and find a little about each other.

The Haole was SO into himself, he was kissing his biceps in front of me then showing off his chest and checking it out, then stretched to show his beer belly.


WHAT A EFING IDIOT!!!:::!""""!"!"!"#IR:OIETgpoitesp9fd tewghrv aeiuhd

The coffee date lasted 20 min. He said maybe we should go somewhere another time...

Trying to be nice I said "yah.... maybe... nice meeting you......(went into my car and yelled) NOT!!!!"

EEEEEEEWWWWWWWWWWWWUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU. I was so upset I called my sis, my GF, talked to my neighbors next door, my other friend and the other potential date.

I should write/draw a book. The art of online dating... animated...

The haole was actually kissing his efing biceps in front of me MORE THAN ONCE.

Next is a Buenos Aires guy.... let's hope to god he's at least a little better than the haole.


Monday, September 13, 2010

best time of my life at vegas

My sista and Best friend and I went to Vegas last weekend. Need I say more. Best time eva.

Pool parties with total strangers, drinking from morning til... well forever.

Gamble with funny comical asian old hawaiians. Life was wonderful.

gotta go BACK..... SOON!!!

Monday, September 6, 2010

today was a beautiful day

I baked at the beach today. I saw a sea lion and two dolphins. Pretty awesome.

Joining online dating again was a mistake. I hate it. Is it just me? or I just don't find any of them attractive. The only guy I thought was good looking was the guy from POF site. but that went sour a month ago... I miss the sexy guy, what can I say but I am not one to pursue if the other party's not that interested. Dude, I will not chase, never did and never will. I was always one to BE chased. so that's that. I will not beg either.

I give up.

I really have to find another outlet for meeting new people.

I don't know...what to do... Why the hell am I wasting time on this? Passing the time looking at gross fat men or asian gorilla looking men..???
Trying to find someone decent???

I probably need to get laid. LOL.

Back to square one...

I was trying to sleep

Labor day weekend.
Friday I came home from work and just relaxed.
Saturday I just vegetated at the beach alone with my ipod and my bikini watching the life guard's sexy body.
Then at night:
I babysat my nephew and niece...and got so bored I joined to see what online dating service has to offer me this time and disappointed with getting hits after hits of just gross looking men.
I went to the beach today for my bro in law's 20th beach volleyball tourney in MBeach. There were about 70+ people, mostly all white people with few exceptions. All nice and very Socal. Unfortunately, sun never came out but it was fun with the fam and friends gathered for this big event. The margarita was strong though.. I had fun watching and just relaxing at the beach.

I've been so busy with work that I forgot what "fun" was. Working and trying to find furniture for my new apartment takes most of my time these days. At night I fall asleep on my desk sometimes reading emails. I still have to send out newsletter to my dear friends, but have no energy or motivation to write interesting subjects... I always think of something to say as usual but just not motivated enough yet.

My sister asked what I'm doing to meet new people meaning the opposite sex... Well, not much... maybe down to zero... unless a good catch comes my way somewhere somehow...

With all that in mind while gray hairs increase...I was having trouble to sleep tonight... then right when I was just about to go to sleep... someone calls...a blocked caller. I answered and no answer.... I said hello maybe 5 times then hung up... My curiosity of who it might of been made me fully awake... unable to sleep... damn it... so much for sweet dreams...


Wednesday, September 1, 2010

So sad so young...

I just heard that my sis's bestfriend's brother passed in his 29... It makes me sad and really disturbed. He was so young... I feel my lungs squeeze like when you have a broken heart... suffocation... I pray for his rebirth and hope in his next life he will truly be able to live happy long life.

Life is so precious. I have to get out of my cob web and feel free from the past. So I don't regret life and be able to finally live to the fullest... You never know what will happen next... you really don't...

Friday, August 27, 2010

My first guest for sleep over in my new apartment...

My niece Hana called on my cel to ask if she could come over for sleep over at "auntie m's" house. Hana (6 years old) and I went to baskin robbins tonight to eat her favorite dessert "mint chocolate chip" ice cream and then went to Macy's home to test out the different beds together to see which is good. The sales guy said simmons is the best they have. I kinda liked serta too but oh well.
Then we came back to watch bootleg of "Nanny McPhee 2" at home and now Hana is sound asleep next to me. My first sleep over guest Miss lil lady Hana. An angel next to me while I sleep, what a wonderful world.

Monday, August 23, 2010

I have a bug in my tummy

I ache in my tummy. Doc says to take pepto and gatorade. Why is it that I take care of people but when I am in pain no one is here to help me... sigh...

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Tonight was...


I went to the B clan house to do laundry. My bro in law and I watched the pre-game and ate thai food. We had a good time. I stuffed my face so much to the point I am too full to go to sleep. I feel the food is up to my throat.

My friend is going through a really ugly break up. Oh... it just does not look good... I try not to get in too deep. I really can't help her... I can only listen...

Whenever I have friends in pain, I start to analysis my life and surroundings and how I feel lately.

I am pretty good. I am living by the beach where I can literally hear crashing waves from my window. I actually like my job and the people there which is VERY rare. I am close to my family. My neighbors are great. I try not to regret anything that happened in the past and try to move on. No more stalking emails... tranquility surrounds me.
I went to see soccer and my friend is giving me her bicycle soon. and I finally have new sunglasses...

If I can think of one thing, I regret that I didn't give a particular person a chance to reclaim his side of the story. I regret that I lost my temper over a stupid conversation.
For some reason, this man keeps popping in my head lately... like it's undone. There is still something unfinished with him. It feels so weird. I can't get him out...of my mind... maybe it is just a delusion my heart plays on me.
maybe I just miss the grin and cuddling... who knows...