Monday, July 5, 2010


we had a block party with LOTS of kids. The fun-est time for me was making bubbles... and jumping in the jumper. I didn't feel good so I went home and laid down.

We also have a great spot for fireworks just down to the corner of our street.
Today was... interesting. So, my italian neighbor Mrs. M have been trying to hook me up with a guy she knows.Real estate dude as M says. He was there at the party. But, I left to work on website while he was asking for me. I did see a glimpse of him before I left but didn't know THAT was the guy. OH WELL.. Not really feeling it.

Then I got an email from someone I met online a while back. He wrote "i have only gone on 1 more date after i saw you, its tiring, or maybe im too lazy?people say i am too picky maybe you set the bar too high? "
Awww... He does say the cutest things. We went to the movies I believe and had a great time laughing most of the time at dinner. He plays ice hockey... I think.... It's a shame though, he is a really cute JA guy. but No sparks... Just a really nice friend type. The kind you can talk for hours and hours laughing but not physically/sexually aroused at all. He had a sweet ride though...oh well again..

and yesterday was another guy asking me out out of the blue. A Tall bald animator/ photographer who is a ski junkie. Yeah, no sparks again. What a shame...

What is really up with me lately? It seems I am popular for some odd reason.
I am surprised with these happenings.

Maybe I need to wake up from this dream soon. Cuz' I am definitely not looking right now.

so "men doku sai"

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