Saturday, July 10, 2010

Girl's bestfriend

They say girl's best friend is diamonds. I differ, it is the plastic that pays for it or the person who has the plastic is your best friend. I have lots of Mr. plastics in my bag.

Mr. plastic played a great role at "the grove" today. Searching for new sunglasses I came back with 4 cute dresses instead(all on sale). I know now why mom and grandma went shopping ALOT. They felt sad and needed to feel beautiful... for at least a little while.
I bought all these dresses but no one I want to date anymore... yah..
I probably will return most of the dresses later.

I ditched class today. Went out to town and had lunch at THE original farmer's market and shopped at Nordstroms.

Needed to distract the feeling of stupidity of being pissed off and
the anger that still linger within from being "the fool" again.
Sadness that my hopes were all but a wishful thinking.
Disappointment.. in all of my judgments I have made.

It's always the same when I start to trust and open my heart... sigh...
I should of never opened my heart...

never should of trusted anyone...
should of just put on a mask..
and played the role...
numb the soul...
be a plastic doll...

just like before...
so I won't feel anymore...

is all I know...

What a fool to even believe... at all...

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