Wednesday, July 7, 2010

I am so so tired...

I am so tired... I need to take a shower... I need to work on my projects... sigh... I didn't have time to eat breakfast or dinner today...and I only ate cup noodle at lunch. My co worker asked me if I needed to borrow money. She thought I didn't have money. oh well...I'm just saving so I could move out... but too tired to explain.

at least I don't have school tomorrow.. I could work on my web after work. I haven't worked out lately too...
Sick of smiling all day... My cheeks hurt...
I didn't even watch the game today... too busy at work...

I had a good time at school tonight. My teacher likes to pick on me cuz' I already know that crap we do in class and so I just socialize with my classmates. She still likes me obviously cuz' she remembers my name. I think it's a love hate relationship. She remembers the Teacher Assistant's name, the only three men in the class and me, in the group of maybe 25 or more. We have to put up name signs on the computer but even w/o my name tag, she calls on me. I am sort of the smart ass... that is off in my la la world while she explains to others. The recently divorce blondie man also tries to talk jokes to me, I wonder why?

Both of my photoshop and CG class like me, cuz' I do the job and there is really not much that they can tell me to make it better!!! HAHA HAHAHAHa
Yesterday, J my teach was totally loving my art. daz good... She better, it's my angel piece that eventually i am going to blow it up into a big poster.

Oh well, I enjoy talking to my classmates. I like people who are passionate and inspiring. They have a goal in life. Something that makes each one of them shine.
It makes me feel motivated.
I think we all help each other bring up the energy levels in the class. I hope I'll keep in touch with a few after the class is over.

ok shower then web.. though I would love to be sleeping with warm arms surrounding me... instead... ha ha wishful thinking...sigh...

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