Friday, June 18, 2010

7 more days...

Above is my homework on fake logo part 2. I hate animal print but HEY it's kiss fm.

In seven days, I will be 37. It's such an unsignificant number to celebrate. I have no idea what to do. I better email A to remind her. I hope my cold will be all gone by then.

It's on a friday.. so I could go on a date.. I don't know.. My mind is not there yet. It's stuck on "Flash for dummies" and Tutorials from

The numbers are rising on and though... I could pick one of them to date if I choose to.. nahhh... too much energy to be used.

I wish my dog was still alive... so I could squeeze him and go hiking at my favorite hideaway and just choose to snuggle with him like I always did on my birthdays in the past...

all I could squeeze are his ashes... sigh...

I hope I'm not alone on the day... but just in case I better buy me some good booze to numb my senses.

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