Thursday, June 3, 2010

contemplate, analyse, compromise

I had my first conference call with the VIS team today on how we should make the website. VIS is the company my friend has started for animation. Pt's been helping me out teaching me the basics and get into the team! I really want to make a flash website but I feel my knowledge of it is still shallow and we have no time. So, hopefully I will make a simple html site for now and gradually move on to flash. It was really fun to talk with the team about fonts and styles and great to have feedbacks. I contemplated about how I would do the website, we all analysed the page and compromised on fonts filters. OH I have so many ideas and things I want to do. OH I have to think about the logo too!!!! Oh what to do what to do. Need to organize time betta. Or I will have no time for social life. not that I have or need one right now.
As I go further into the world of graphics I tend to sit at my computer longer and longer.. later I will need a really expensive chair ergonomics maybe a herman miller chair so I don't die with bad posture!

I also have a phone interview tomorrow for a job that will require me to be glued to the screen. Think before you speak, M! I hope I don't slip my mouth and say bad things about my last job. Don't say anything about the GAY PORN COMICS!!! NO M. BAD! Be passionate and stay cool. JUST DON't Efit UP. right?
I need this job so I could find my own place of sanctuary. Pray for me, my friends. I WILL HAVE THE "GO"!

My wii boxing game came through the mail today and played it for about half an hour or more. It was pretty cool. Good workout for my arms. Jab, hook, upper, and straight.
Lately I have been pretty consistent on exercising.
My workout consist of 20 min. video on abs from turbo jam. 30-60 mins on wii sports games such as wii boxing, wii fit and either 1-2 hours of walking/jogging or hiking on the beach everyday. I am trying to get as much exercise possible before I return to the work force. I hope I will look good for that new tommy bahama bikini I bought in hawaii.... I love beach. I want to go to hawaii....

Just the other day, my sista S mentioned something that made my spine shiver. We were talking about how the family is going up north to mammoth on the week of my b-day, so I will be left with the dog and cat alone for petsitting. Then S said out of no where, " Be sure NOT to ANSWER the phone and NOT to OPEN the door on your B-DAY." She was referring about a possible chance of my ex calling or coming to stalk me. I really doubt that he would try to come all the way to LA from where ever he is, but it did make me shiver when she mentioned it. I hope he'll never get near me again...

Now I just have to think GOOD KARMA!!! breath in GOOD KARMA!!! breath out BAD KARMA!!!
No time to be afraid. I will be strong. Must concentrate on getting the job, computer graphics and school and JUST LIVING LIFE HAPPY! I hope you're doing the same.

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