Saturday, June 5, 2010

Doodle Daddle... Sex in the city 2..... no....

I had a 10 o'clock phone interview today. The lady did not call til' 10:30 and I was like OMG I am like DUDE... diss me before my interview? That's cold... BUT she called. The lady sounded like a real B but, I played along. Right when I finished the phone, my friend Pt chatted me. And I was totally bummed that I didn't do well on the interview. So, he suggested I go to his house to work on the website and logo. Well, it was either working on it at home or going to Pt's house w/o screaming kids.... I went Pt's house. We worked all day on concept of the logo. He showed me a book full of logos and different old movie clips like Robo the robot. I started doodling on the idea of the logo, then I got an email from the recruiter. I passed the first interview... now the translating test. Part2 of the job interview. It was hard... I didn't know what the english contents were about at first. Well, I finished it and sent it back to the recruiter. We'll see what will happen on that. Another recruiter called for another job too in cypress.... where the hell is cypress... gotta google it. What's TOTALLY COOL about Pt's place is that we can do all our nerdy graphic projects and then go workout like hiking, biking, in house gym or swim. Today after frying our brains on more ideas and concepts we went to swim and tread water at the pool, but still talk about what we wanted to achieve in this company. How if it does succeed we would be making alot of money and I can buy a condo or something near the beach. But it's still awhile to go. The conversations were interesting and It was great killing time at the pool to not fight traffic. Lgn Bch ... very nice area..

By 8:30PM I was back home getting ready for girl's night out. 4 girls T,J,S,M. what's that yup 4's just like Sex in the City 2. OK so I am not a fan. BUT, I love Charlot's fashion. I've always loved her style... Movie.. not good. not worth it... go wait til' red box or netflix. But, just the feeling of just girls going out was cool. and... new york scenes.... I want to go to new york... maybe next vacation new york... or hawaii... tough choice... maybe napa valley instead... oh yeah need to get a job first.
Well... after a chick flick like that you tend to want to see someone you care about... oh well... I am so tired.. I'll just dream of him now.... LOL goodnight

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