Wednesday, June 9, 2010

My sleeping pills tonight

I didn't realize this but it seems I have been ill for the last few days. So, tonight I will drug myself with some dextromethorphan and guaifenesin. yes, mucinex dm to make me sleep.

On another note: Everybody's going to hawaii in august...ticket is really cheap right now. hawaiian air roundtrip for only 330 bucks... I want to go... but I probably can't... sigh...

On another note2: My art classes consist of mostly girls.... which may well be no distraction will arise. My photoshop class tonight was entertaining. 7-10:30PM I thought I was going to just plain out die but it went like a breeze. Absolutely no time to be sleepy. Total concentration. We were all glued to our screens using the "Pen tool" which is basic but useful. Tomorrow will be interesting too. Intro to computer graphics. I think I am starting to be more nerdy than ever. BUT i don't feel bad cuz' there's alot of people like me in class. yes indeed!!!

On another note3: SO, I have decided IF I get a job before my birthday which is on the 25th. I am thinking of buying a present for myself this year.
It's either:
1. the new iphone 4g (but, I still like my jailbrake iphone that acts as a go phone, so I don't know yet. I don't really use the phone either....)
2. a bicycle retro type no high tech mountain bike just a stroll on the beach type of bicycle.
3. 2TB HD for my computer..
4. a trip to either hawaii, new york, napa valley, or vegas.
5. bass guitar w/ a small amp.

All but a dream... i suppose. It's quite alright though. It will motivate me to try harder in acquiring employment.

Last note: My psychic said awhile ago that in mid june and on I will encounter or start to have.... what she called a "NEW MUSHY MUSHY love relationship". I don't know how much I will believe in her predictions, BUT I SURE HOPE SO!!!HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!
It would be most pleasant to be " MUSHY MUSHY " with someone again. LOL. "MUSHY MUSHY" exact words from her. She said to keep my doors or eyes open. Go meet different people, which I should start doing. I don't know how I will do that with this hectic schedule. BUT YAHH MUSHY MUSHY LOVE is ALL WHAT I NEED RIGHT NOW! HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!

Goodnight friends the drugs are kickin' in. zzzz... cough cough.. zzzz chao.

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