Tuesday, June 22, 2010


After my devastating loss of my data from portable hard disk that had my precious data... and trying to fix my mom's macbook via phone and watching intensely BORING tutorials on "how to" on excel 2010, and tutorial on flash...
I had to take a break.

SO----- I watched the most cutest chick flick I've seen in awhile. I would say it has topped with the NOTEBOOK by far. IT'S COMPLICATED. I loved it.

If anyone wants it, mail me I've downloaded the movie(s). I also have the get me to greek movie,new travolta movie, book of eli,leap year, vampire's assistant, how to train dragon, shrek 3, spy next door,downloading toy story 3 tomorrow... etc etc... probably not legal.... oh vwell.......

Tomorrow I start on making/sketching an outline for the websites. I will not procrastinate!!!

ok goodnight.

PS: leaving on a good note! In 1 1/2 months span, I LOST 10 POUNDS! woohooo!

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