Sunday, June 6, 2010

Day 1 to toward my goals

I went to my art classes today. The first class was about 2 dimensions and drawing contrast and so on. The teacher was really cool, but she mentioned that if I was taking more than 3 classes I should drop a class because there will be no time to achieve 100% in the classes. I signed up for 4 classes. Fundamentals of 2Dimension, Web Design, Photoshop class, Computer Graphics class.... With all the suggestion from the 2D teacher... I went to registration and .... dropped her class out of the 4 classes. The only reason I did this is because the counselor that I spoke with said it maybe better to take the 2D class with another teacher than her, next semester if I'll be working full time. So, no more 2D at 10AM. and on I went to web design class. I already know web design but I wanted to refresh my memory on it. I think it is going to be very interesting. The teacher seems cool and the class is filled up completely.And it is a great place to network and be friends with others of the same interest.

After class, I went to the beach to workout. I saw lots of people at the beach and it seems that tonight is prom for lots of high schoolers. It was really cute watching them. I vaguely remember prom... hated it I think...blind date... w/ an ugly J-guy...LOL

I had my first meal of the day at 9PM, because I missed lunch being in the registration office. So 1 meal with 2hours of workout is not wise. Naturally I begin to have a headache from malnutrition/dehydration..LOL.
NOTE: please don't try this at home. malnutrition is not intended by all means.

After resting on my bed, I felt that I was finally stepping forward toward my goals and it felt great excluding my headache. It was a very productive day I suppose. I am looking forward to my tues and wednes night classes as well,now. Life has just begun ultra busy. No time to fool around. With school and Pt class of animation plus designing logos and website with pt & eric.. yeah... I have much too much on my plate..

Fooling around...hmmmm that brings me to another subject... I am puzzled... In the "olden days" all we had was a phone. We called each other to do things or just talk to get to know each other... I miss that. I miss listening to the other voice/ the tone of the voice and while the conversation, trying to understand their emotions at the time. I really love skype cuz' now you can see the person while talking to them.


Why do I say this? well.... I am realizing that I don't understand "texting" well. It's probably the same as emails. In texting or emails it's an one way conversation a lot of times. You write what you want to say without interruptions. Then you can choose not to answer if you don't want to. Emotions are vaguely written, so you don't really know what the other party is really thinking.
This is a good example: A text was written about meeting up.... some texting back and forth occured... in result... the two decided not to meet on that day... one wrote "we'll try tomorrow" on a text. Next day came... and no text was received...

Is this a phrase or a metaphor? Like "tomorrow" doesn't really MEAN tomorrow? Maybe it means SOME DAY?

I don't understand... All I know is I waited for a message that never came. I feel like a fool right now at 3am writing a blog about it.
I waited though I was tired and sleepy for ... what? I wonder. and my efforts over and over again... un-noticed???...Then the music fills my head RESPECT. R-E-s-p-e-c-t... Maybe I am old fashioned...
But i do feel a bit disrespected now.

Accept and forgive... wow that is a hard task to follow.

Well, at least my day was good overall and the aspirin is finally sinking in. maybe I'll read what not to crochet blog to have few laughs before I doze off again..

M signing off 4:50am.

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