Sunday, June 20, 2010

What a F*cking IDIOT!?!?!... SERIOUSLY part ?? I don't even keep count anymore...

Oh...kay.... SO I had a tremendously beautiful time last night OH yes... and had a mouth melting breakfast in weho. I was on CLOUD 9. LALA land singing "I'm on the top of world". Grinning through out the day. LIKE YES mmmmmm YES YES, !
( ^ 0 ^ ) like this face.

Then just right when I thought THIS JOY BURSTING WITH LOVE would last....
da* da* da* da---------- DAMN it... NOOOOOOOOOOO,
( ; _ ;)crying face
you all know by now... the ex... again and again...
What a F*cking IDIOT?! as my bro in law would say.
I really wonder LIKE REALLY?! When will dumb dumb get DA POINT! It has been over half a year now as I keep the silence, usually men get the point after a month.
MR. DRAMA QUEEN GO AWAY!!!! FOREVER!!! (good karma m think good karma)
This time he tried to write in two other email accounts a sap story about his sister in law's tumor and all he thought was me.... HUH?????? NO COMPRENDO. Why the hell would I even care about some lady I don't even know? What the hell??? I don't get it...DERANGED... OH VWELLLLLLLL.

I.... really don't need this right now... So! I just let it go/ignored and went to see...
Toy Story 3!!! in 3D!!!! I LOVED IT. Like I love most animations done by PIXAR, it was SO cute and funny. AND since we were in PV No one was there!!!!!! COOL!!!! ( Can you notice I am trying to hype myself up right now?) I want to watch again!!!

Tomorrow if the weather permits maybe I'll go to the beach and feel the good karma from the ocean and the wind. Need to go to my hideaway!!! Feel the ocean breeze!! Crashing Waves!!! yah...

Now if you'll excuse me... I must be going. I must reminisce of the wonderful time I had on friday while I close my eyes..... mmmm.....zzzz goodnight

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