Saturday, May 8, 2010

Anger Management by crochet go---figure!

Yes, it seems that I am at home just chilling with a bottle of heineken "light" listening to some old jams from the 80's. I just did not want to go out tonight. Especially not with the got no clue I have no interest in you man. I just wanted to play some chords and take some midol and just take it easy.

So, as I put my niece to bed... I got my yarn out... and the hooks...

During these 3 month of being in LA I have pick up a useful skill called crochet. I thought it was for only grannies but as my sister proved me wrong. It has been by far one of the cheapest and useful hobby I have ever started.

The yarn are about $1.00-5.00. You can make all kinds of things. I always end up making a hat or a bag. Some people make blankets, clothes, dolls, dish towels, etc. Well, I made a bag again tonight.But I'll post that later.

I first started to crochet for anger management & therapy. I just got out of a hideous relationship, then one week my love of life dog dies, self esteem at sub zero freezing temperature. I wanted to be so engrossed into crocheting so that I would be in my own world or just counting stitches. Like zen... like a dream...And you know what?!! surprisingly IT WORKED. It has gotten through these hard times all through these months being here. Now I actually enjoy the hobby more & more everyday.

My first project was a hat...
Supposed to be a kingdom hat that looked like this

but... turned..... FRO this

LOL I made it too big where it just looked like a rasta hat for pot heads.
I think maybe I was thinking of pot... How I wanted to just slip away from reality. When I was making it, I was pissed off about something but I don't remember now. See it works!!! Anger management by crochet!!

So, as my journey started with yarn, the hooks and patterns... I'll make a slide show of all the projects I have done later when I figure out how to do that on this blog.

Because I showed you the worst project first, I want to show you my #1 perfect project.
I actually love this one I made!!!

I mean not only did I make a beautiful hat perfectly round... PERFECTO!
I had my "just about the cutest Korean guy I have ever seen" guy, my neighbor to model my hat for me.
As crocheter, you tend to give your projects to people ALOT. That perfect hat is now with him now somewhere in the east coast, which I can not disclose.

When they say looks could kill... Well, this young man can with that asian sharp eyes!!!
Ladies!! The first time I saw him was long ago imagine.....
Nicely build tall for asian half naked man washing his porche across the street from your house on a hot sunny so cal day... The water making hint of rainbows around this young man. It was a slow motion music video so STEAMY lol....
You can not help but stare and say "OMG... Did I just die?I've gone to heaven!" YUP yup yup! LOL

As rumors say that he does some mean Latin salsa... Cannot wait for him to be a famous dancer!!

So much for side tracking... Back to crochet.... what??? oh yes..I was still seeing rainbows.. Tonight I made a blue market bag. Trying to be a little eco. But, I just have to find someone to model it for me.
So, I will show first market bag I made.
This is modeled by my friends' friend.

what do you think?

Ok I'm done for the night... If you are a crocheter you must see this blog hilarious:

good night.

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