Monday, May 31, 2010


Yesterday...After a long day of extracting individual images from a jpg for a website. I took my nephew and niece to the beach. Let the sista and bro have some private time.
I even took the long way back to get ice scream. Kids loved the windy roads and the beautiful city lights from the hill. They even like my reckless driving. my auntie duties for the day was accomplished.

I slept hugging my stuffed animal of Jazz sista sal made me... for comfort..I don't sleep well without my little jazz anymore... do miss him..and yeah...couldn't sleep well... but you must admit the crochet jazz looks cute.

Woke up with my nephew telling me that the power is down at 7 AM. Since we had no power = no internet or computer, I naturally went back to sleep, so I hoped. Screaming kids at 9 o'clock right behind my door. I scream "SHUT UP"then "BE QUIET"...still no power...I was doomed.

All in my head... "I hope I saved my web contents before I fell asleep"... I don't remember... too moody last night...

10 o'clock I am up with a crochet hook and yarn in my hand. Anger management... Yes, I have been crocheting subside my mooooooodiness. I have made two face towels already. Now on third.
I should just get a cheap bass guitar and start learning. change anger management tactics.
I want this for my bass. LOL

Power back on at noon .... check!
worked out my abs..... check!
went to BBQ at 2... check!
Gained back whatever I worked out and more CHECK!!!

Now here I am... writing a fairy boring blog of the day. Should of gone to LGN BCH..

I apologize...for such mundane subject...I just don't have it in me today... gomen..
by the way Happy Memorial day.

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