Sunday, May 23, 2010

one more blah blah blah

So, my GF came over today for dinna (Japanese nabe,Italian ravioli, and fried halibut....yes it is an unique combination but hey all tasted BUENO)
sista S, A, and I had our update "GIRL's talk". I think friends are the most priceless treasure you can ever have. Some don't understand what real friendship means. I am sadden/hurt and feel sorry for the ones who just don't get it... I love my GF A cuz' she's genuinely just ooozing with natural love. We have been through alot 3 of us. we are I believe spiritually connected.

I also think us 3... we are the "givers" because we all are healers and we love helping people. I am probably the least out of the three though LOL...

But lately, we are learning to be a little selfish to our own needs by saying enough is enough.. tired of giving with no return... LOL... we just needed a break I think.

Today, I selfishly asked A to spend my birthday which is next month with me, cuz' my fam is going up north that week and I will be here alone with no potential prince charming to sweep me off my feet...though my neighbor supposely is working on that.
She said YES!!!! but she will not get offended if my prince charming does appear.

Friendship, I cherish all my friendship with my friends and friends to be.. I am just not great at showing it or communicating because I tend to put a wall in front to protect myself. It's a bad habit. I'm working on it. I am!!

The winds told me to wait and see.... so I will wait but not too late.

Now, I must figure out how to get rid of the KISS YUCK guy... yes he texted again...I mistaken-d him with my gd friend Pt... apparently he did not understand the silent message of not contacting for 2 weeks means something. sigh.... awww my mediocre worries of today... maybe I will just change my phone... it is just a go phone.

Maybe I'll start everything from zero again. job websites are now showing me jobs in NY, wild isn't it? Maybe I'll move again who knows.. blah blah blah..

I will sleep listening to the rustling leaves and the roaring winds... maybe I'll dream a good dream tonight... walking on the beach with my hand holding another..
too cheezy ... maybe... better than nightmares.... hope your dreams are filled with love and happiness...

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