Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Good Evening... This is my first post on my blog. I decided to write a blog after oh I don't know 2-3 years of hibernation.
There are reasons for that but let me tell you that another time.
A special friend suggested me to write an autobiography about my life because basically my life is like a manga (J-comics).
Always something new, always strange events, drama ( not me but around me), funny accidents, and much more. So, I will start this blog as a practice round before I write a book about my crazy life.

If you happen to feel that a character I bring up is you..... It probably is but please do not sue me as I will use initials or fake names to protect the privacy as much as I can.
I may also use profanity in many cases and probably LOTS of racist and sarcastic comments that may offend you, so please I apologize before starting.
I tend to mind boggle so, I may start talking about totally different subjects. Sorry but hey! This is my f****** blog.

Now that is all settled!

This blog is dedicated to all my friends who have supported me through out my life which makes me who I am today good and bad..

SO,I am not going to talk about my past or background just yet.. not today.

I am going to talk about Monday, May 3,2010.

The day I walk out and never went back!

As I told my friends in a newsletter, I was working in a publishing company that publishes Japanese Gay Porn Comics into english.

I worked as an e-commerce sales associate, basically online shop of porn comic books. YUP a great job if you were either: gay, lesbian, hentai, or just fans of adult comics. CUZ' YOU GET TO SEE IT EVERY DAY FROM MORNING. I was never a fan actually I almost threw up seeing some of the... how can I say these contents of SM play in the book trying to find perfect marketing slogans to sell the damn thing.

Well, I had been there for about 3 month and it was time for my evaluation....

BTW, I hated the job. But I got this job on the same week I came back from Charleston, SC. I thought this was god's sent present for me after this horrible episode in my life.
That was a complete delusion on my part. Too optimistic sometime I tend to be...

As I went to work on that day... I was completely drained of my energy, I felt as though I didn't sleep all night.. Felt un-controlling uneasiness. Feeling of nasea and just a feeling of ...." moodiness"...and sadness...

But I held strong and work like a hawk then went to a meeting to find out what my salary is going to be and what my future holds for me in this least for the time being..

The manager stated that my salary would not be even a dollar more in hourly wages which was in the low tens.. no overtime, then she knew that I interview for the production assistant position and said you'll never get there. She was putting me in the e-commerce section for good. ...bitch...

I knew it was going to be ugly but this was more than bad. In the first offer the company assured me that I will get more than 30K at least.... GONE!!!...
Then they said everyone has to go through the e-commerce until their probation is over then you will switch to other postions.... WRONG!
They promised me other things that were all lies. DUDE!!! NO WAY!!

So naturally I was let's just say a bit PISSED OFF. But to make it short, in all the talks later the president came and started to yell and blame at me for complaining about the poor management which I was not the manager. The manager tricked me to be scolded at... The other employees also did not take the blame and in the end....

My patience faded like an empty gas tank and hot air came out of my mouth.

I basically told my manager "I don't efing deserve this s***, you don't pay me enough to listen to this bull****, ef you and your whole company and I'm not coming to work tomorrow" and left..

I just strutted out the door and never looked back. I should of stolen office goods or anything of value.. DAMN!

I was SO tired from the not sleeping right, So pissed from all the lies, but most of all SO PISSED AT MYSELF for losing my cool and So PISSED that my tears were falling and I was left really sad that I couldn't call anyone to hold me.. haha... I knew that tarot card faced the death card. death .... start a new phase.. it's ok... I knew all along why am I so M on times like this. OH Sh** I JUST WALKED OUT of work for the first time in my life but that more S right?

I went home and as soon as I got home the manager called to tell me to calm down and she talked to the president and they were going to give me more than 30K and etc etc and how I should stick it out till the final offer comes..

Well, as I was downing a bottle of beer to drain the frustration and sorrow.
I politely said I will think about it and wrote a resignation letter stating I will not come in ever again..

Things always happen for a reason... Because right after the incident my japanese head hunter called to talk about two positions that might be a good job for me.
And my friend from the old band is teaching me animation so I could go for what I intended to all this time. I guess all is good... but why do I feel so sad...oh well

So at the end of the day, I worked on the japanese resume all night drinking another bottle of anything that had alcohol and with my headphones blasting upbeat dance music to change my mood..

I think my lesson on this day is once again. Listen to your sensitive intuitions... trust within you'll know

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