Tuesday, May 25, 2010

(^_^;)b i think it's ok...

My 3rd homework slopply done.
Must ask how to change colors..tomorrow YEah!to LGna bch I go!!!!

So, now I do appreciate all the efforts friends are making to find me a good dating guy.
My italian neighbor down the street asking her friend real estate guy, my B friend now will scan his friend list to see...

It's not that I don't have a problem finding a date. I'm just so turned off by the dating scene and the whole process, so I kind of like don't care..... but....
My friends don't want me to be a hermit which I tend to be... and want me to be with someone who'd truly treat me RIGHT, this time... I am grateful.
We will see.... I'm not complaining.

I am more interested right now in working out everyday so I'd be this drop dead gorgeous woman when summer creeps in a month or so LOL, computer graphics, and wii hacking has been an ongoing process. How the hell do you soft mod wii and make it work? Where do I get the torrents to download the games??Ok I did soft mod my wii, but I think I need to try it another way.

I got my glass panel for my 24"imac!! IT FIT PERFECTLY!!! NICE! Now when I get a job I will buy the optic drive cuz' it broke while moving here to LA. I hate usps. Damn them. They denied my claim though I insured more than 100 buck on my computer. A-holes. Never use usps for computers.

So, I figured while I am without a job. I would workout as much as I can and learn as much as I can and maybe stock up on songs and lyrics. Good combination don't you think?

I got exactly a month til my b-day... what will I get this year... hopefully ...a job?

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