Thursday, May 6, 2010


Oh what a beautiful morning to start the day!
DAY2 of unemployment: I decided not to get lazy and vegetate. I woke up as usual at 6 waking up to a song called "It's a beautiful day" and walking an hour with my sista S's dog. This is the pic when we started to walk. I like to take pictures of the sky. If I die I wanna be the sky above watching out for everyone, I think.

So, let us continue with my journey to happiness or not......
I made a stupid mistake of going on a date with someone I am absolutely I am not into...tues.. I will tell you later on this blog.

Now I usually do not like talking about my past relationship of love, lust, betrayal, sadness, or even happy times but I figured if this will help my friends go through their break ups, or issues of love ... I don't mind talking from time to time.

Sometimes it's better to hear about the horror love stories because deep inside even if you don't want to admit it ...
you would feel a little better about yourself because you KNOW you're saying in your head
Don't deny it you know you feel it inside. AND I HAVE A HANDFULL of just plain S**TTY stories to tell. I think I could laugh at them now cuz'I'm cynical dry humored and anything we do or say or experience is part of us and it makes us and it tell us what we want in life and in our soon to be partner or not a partner maybe we just want a booty call or I don't know LOL.

So, it's been three months since I've in LA. Coming out of a... a really bad relationship.... baaaaaaaa haaaaaaa D relationship. Last year, I met a man... tall and bald haole (white) salesman in hawaii. He was my age, zodiac matched good, and since I've never dated a southern white boy with no hair before... He was definitely NOT my type of men I'd date but I said to myself "WHAT THE HELL I'LL GIVE IT TRY". Well, it went sour really quick.
He started to say" I ALWAYS HAVE TO PAY for everything being with you is LIKE A JOB." The guy makes 100K ladies. and tells an unemployed gal to pay. Why because I was a Jap living in a luxury apartment w/mom that looked rich? I should of gotten rid of him long before but I ended up stayin w/him for a year. BAD CHOICE!!! Even went to SC. I think he was brainwashing me to be some submissive japanese wife. I believed all his continuous lies about buying the house, going places when his shoulder gets fix, all the things we would do together.... All lies... not even one went through.. I just waited and waited and...... waited for him..... Hoping that things would get better.. WHAT A PATIENCE GIRL I WAS. I WAS NEVER LIKE THAT BEFORE!!
BUT.,,,Didn't work well after all cuz' I became frustrated and started to regain myself and become stronger again. Working in japan for a month recording with my music buddies made me realized that I've never been treated so bad in my life. My rocker friends who sings metal were darlings. I think the last things the ex said to me that really hurt was: that I was the most expensive break up he had ever had. Or better yet, "I didn't want you to come to Charleston but you insisted"( the guy called everyday how I'm gonna love it there and can not wait to have me there) or " I was going to propose to you, so that's why we looked at rings" Oh this is christmas time "How do you tell your girlfriend she's fat without offending her. So I got you a wii" I gained weight cuz' all the places he wanted to eat was fried chicken or fried something. No veggies. and..The guy had a beer belly so big he looked like he was pregnant...
WELL SONNY, I paid thousands to move to ya place so shut the **** up a-hole. I don't know why I didn't leave sooner, I guess I was wishing for that victorian house by the water and playing a hunky dorry wife. I was afraid of him hitting me maybe...
There are more details but too gruelsome to describe. All I did was think of finding a way to leave without drama... Because he was a drama queen where ever we went. Complain to waitress, complain to retail shop, complain about something always not satisfied.

So when the guy started to say he doesn't feel passion, he wasn't SATISFIED with me... TING TING TING went the ringing bell. ALL ABOARD!!! TIME TO GO BYE BYE Don't wanna see you don't wanna know you. I let him dump me, so I could just leave and never come back. Let him act like a man so the drama queen in him doesn't go crazy on me. Picked up my bags and left. So fast I didn't realize what really happened. Now that I think back my love Jazz waited to die til we were back home with real love. poor jazz.. my lovely doggie...

So all ladies and gents who are going through separations and divorces...The guy betrayed me the whole 9 yards. Just think you're not alone.
If you would like to share the worst things your spouses said I am more than happy to listen.

Right now my ex have turn to annoying SOB stalking email dick... yup asking me to take him's like HELL NO!! This gal has not even a hint of or should a say milligram of or ounce of love for ya. I moved OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOn. BYE BYE NEXT!!!
GOOD THING: he has no idea where I am. No address, no phone number... no receipts, no nothing. I cleared the house before I left. Not even a piece of hair he can lust over. HA!!!!!!! BAD THING: he knows where my mom lives in hawaii... i hope he doesn't go stalk her..
That is one of the reasons, I have been in the underground lately.

SOOOOOO, 3 months have passed. Monday, I just walked out of my job. TUESDAY MAY 4th. I was bored as hell.. So, what did I do? I went on a date with a guy I met online because...
1. The night before I only drank 2-3 beers and ate 3 swedishfishes.
2. Wanted to eat real food in a restaurant.
3. dress up and act like... all girly
4. just to get out of the house!

Is that wrong?
Now I didn't find him attractive at all from the get go, but you know I thought maybe intellectual talk over some cheap wine will just get the funk out of my body.

Well, turns out the guy was a complete BORE. B-O-R-E w/ a BIG B- so boring that he was yarning himself LOL
BUT YOU SEE I AM LUCKY my once again lucky self got a phone call from my good friends to save me.
We were at a casual restaurant near venice. Had some drinks and pasta. The guy talked about he is trying to get a deal for his film which he recreates all kind of terrible things that happened to him on a date... hmmmm that sounds familiar..., how he started to work out to get in shape yes, he was a pear... no sex appeal... looked similar with my ex's body shape... that grossed me out... I feel bad for saying this but he had no intellectual comments to talk about.. The guy makes living working in retail... at the mall.. did not feel the ambition to strive for higher grounds... he slouches and he seems to have a bit of self esteem issues.(God damn my psychic eye was working again) BUT what am I to say I am unemployed DAY 2 to be exact...
The point is I went out because I wanted to be out and I did, but next time I must choose wisely on WHO I go out with.. CUZ YA KNOW IT JUST WILL TURN UGLY QUICK.

Oh my good friends from MDR called to tell me that they are in a restaurant right across where we were. THANK YOU GOD! GOD,YOU DO EXIST! So, we went there to meet up with them and lord behold there they were like saints with dialated eyes totally happy people I love you guys. The conversation went from bore to good old times, legalizing pot, great "coffee shop" in vancouver to go to, goin to hawaii, the 5th emmy my friend received last year and so on... The guy stopped yacking away, yeah!!!
I was saved at least for an hour before it was time to go.

So the time came to leave. I was trying to get into my car but the guy kept leaning on my door, so I couldn't get in. So, I tried to just hug and say goodnight.... but he..... tried to kiss me..... YUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK!
Ok so I let him peck then he tried to go further and I just pulled him back and said
"I DON'T KISS on the first date" But he tried to kiss again so I turned my head hugged him and said thank you and pushed him AWAAAAAAAAYYYYYY! ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!
YUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK! I went into the car and JUST GAGGED!!!! I was driving and continuously saying yuck yuck yuck yuuuuuuuuuuuck yuck yuck nooooooo he didn't yuck YUCK yuck....I looked like this in the car. ( this is my friend rock guitarist)

These are some pointers to get rid of the slimy gross feeling!
1. have a bottle of water at all times in your car, so you can gargle or wash it out
2. have a good selection of gum and candy cuz' you are going to feel gross for awhile
3. have a really good friend to talk to about the gross ordeal. You will definitely
need comfort words or just someone to scream gross with you.
4. Have a great selection of happy songs in your ipod to make you feel a little better.
at least while you're driving.
5. Cross all of the above and find someone absolutely delicious to kiss. SMACK THAT LIP
on to his or her or both.

Ok I got all of 1-4... gotta work on number 5.

Now if you DO want to be kissed by that drop dead hunk/BEAUTY you've been eyeing.
1. Eat the same candy or gum he or she is eating, easier transition of saliva LOL.
2. Have your lips juicy at all times.
3. If ya need lil help the Pheromones love potions works... the cholas in the pharmacy
used to use it often... but it smelled like... bathroom.. to me I don't know.
4. Don't yack!!! yack!! yack!!!

Who am I to be giving pointer when I've been caged for a year and cocoon my nature. LOL
RIGHT? My friends, you all know more pointers than me feel free to comment on these. Love to hear from you.

So, the lesson I learned on TUES... STOP WITH THE "OK I'll give it a TRY" SCENARIO. IT DON'T WORK. IT NEVER WORKED BAD Results. BAD ME. Concentrate on finding better job.

The sad thing is the next day he was still asking me to go to his pad to watch "movies" on saturday. I said no I'll pass and never wrote back but he still came back with let me know when I am free..... he didn't get the point. The guy actually thought he still has a chance...

Now I must leave you and say until next time. What will I write next...
My bestfriend JB clip I hope you can see it . He is amazing as usual.!/video/video.php?v=1073435357187

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