Tuesday, May 18, 2010


This morning I talked to one of my best friend in Japan who is also a respected spiritual therapist/healer. I want to say by coincidence but everything happens for a reason,right? She has traveled far internationally like me, bilingual and overall a very very good person. She is a true healer and she tells me I am a healer as well by my music. It is always great to have friends to talk to when in need.
People GET SKYPE. it's free, free video chat and a lot easier to use. I love her cuz' she's blunt like me but really cares and listens from the bottom of her heart.
So, when I talked to her it was ironic that we were having the same issues in our lives. What issues? Well for one the hives… She has them too on her hands… I have it on my left front hip area. It seems that these hives are due to stress and bad karma from others.
She said that because we are both healers we are VERY SENSITIVE and tend to let people's "念、怨念” (nen,onnen = a telepathic feeling, grudge, BAD KARMA) accumulate into our bodies. Usually we are able to heal with our own energies, but when we let our guards down whom ever is sending the bad karma is draining us of our good energy and at times the horrid hives start to appear.
What she said is quite eastern holistic method of thinking but it does make sense for me. My sister had the same hives when she was stress months back. It does explain why I have been so drained and tired and moody. We have no western med explanation of why my rash/hive appeared so yeah! Bad "NEN" from probably the ex and the manager from the porn co and maybe many others that think I am a total b-tch??!!

Her theory also explains why I was getting the "Hanged Man" in my tarot readings. It says I have to let go of something in order to move on… I believe it means the the connection I still have with the ex. Why do I say this? I surely am over the guy, but IF I KEEP in FEAR OF HIM it still makes the connection where he can drain my energy out. I have to just block the bad karma he's sending with my own good karma. STOP THE FEAR, CHANGE TO FIRE! ENJOY LIFE DAY BY DAY.

It's like the ball animation I am making. I have to be the ball that bounces all bad karma back to its owner/s! Not consume, reflect. My friend was going through the same bad karma situation with her clients and ex and friend so I think we realized that someone up there is telling us…..
"See learn from it, figure out how to control your energy. Control them before it gets worse… You still have much to learn girls… to be one with the universe"

So, after talking to her this morning. I practiced an image training of this big good karma ball surrounding me, ready to bounce any bad energy coming my way. My friend is funny.. She also mentioned that I am having such a bad time at job hunting because it is not music related. Then she always says "So, when are you coming back to Japan?" "When will you come back to music? Cuz' you already know that's why god put you on this earth for! You can't keep hiding from your own destiny..You have to heal and teach.."
She is probably right… Every non music job has been JUST TORTURE for me. As I go for another interview…. H ha for a law firm receptionist job… As I sit at the 22nd floor of downtown building… asking myself "what the f*** am I doing here?" I get another call from another recruiter… another interview with Co. T.. I think the energy ball IS working. I just have to concentrate on the music related jobs... Think M think! Good energy!!!

Here's a song I made with a bassist R 10+ years ago. Round and Round.. hope u enjoy

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