Saturday, May 29, 2010

Lesson learned/ Apollo chocolate

I went to the beach... tried to find parking... took me half an hour. Then noticed it's the wrong beach... Parked HB supposed to be MB. OH well.... it was a good long walk to the beach and back to my car.. Got my exercise for the day... DAMN IT!
NOTE: When I get a place near the beach "street parking" apartments are out of question out of my list. NEED PARKING!!! HB, MB and VB all need parking. RB is only place you can still find free parking.

People watch movies and tv shows on their time off...

I watch tutorial videos on how tos: on my time off. I am constantly searching for knowledge. But, I seem to fall asleep alot watching them because of the voice of the teacher's voice.. so mundane... Today: Photoshop tutorials on Adobe Design Center. School starts next week totally excited!!! Gonna be busy busy busy!

I am learning a lot. Let's hope my brain will retain it than to delete it.

On another note: I like Japanese cheap chocolate. And my favorite of all times is this chocolate called "APOLLO". It's a strawberry chocolate in tiny bites.
Now you must admit this packaging is just awesome. LOOK at the shape first of all. After you eat all the chocolate, the package can turn into awesome accessories. For example a little pencil case! Or make it into a kaleidoscope!and MUCH MORE!!!

The Japanese packaging are amazing! When you open the lid. Inside little apollo candy spells out "APOLLO" around the rim! SO CUTE!!! I mean how do they come up with the cutest packages? So precise and eye catching. I've been looking at lots of candy packaging lately... Amazing..

I just love it! It is really not a fancy chocolate, this Apollo. It even taste cheap. That artificial strawberry taste. I just love it because it does remind me of my childhood. Meiji chocolate! The great thing is they never changed the taste or the package. It has basically been the same all through out these years. Totally cool, I think.

OK back to webdesigning VIZSIM.

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