Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Yesterday Good Day

Yesterday, I woke up at 3:55 am. Thirsty and just wired!!! As you can see from the time I posted that STUUUUUPID video of my crochet obsession I woke up a bit too early and could not go back to bed. By little before 6am I was already out walkin and joggin. I had a burst of energy that needed simmerin. I have no idea why.

By 11am I was driving to my friend Pete's house to learn animation. It is no use vegetating at home when you can be learning something. So I went to beautiful Laguna Beach area. Beautiful down there with nature trails lots of parks, ocean breeze, it looks like a newer community so yeah.. awesome.
Pete and I were in a ska band when we were young together. SO many stories for catch up. We haven't seen each other since 94'.. I was the baby of the group. Age 16 while all the boys were 21. The only girl in the band, naive and clueless. It was fun talking to P cuz' he mentioned about all the love scandals between the members and their chicks and all that time I was clueless.I was off limits since I was a child. I think I had my first Japanese BF who was an actor at the time.don't remember.. hmmm. Sex, drugs, and rocking ska. I even got a fake ID so I could gig. wow... they were wild. My image of my members were that they were all pot heads, shrooming while I was just playing waiting to go to boston for college.
i just went to the beach, snowboard, played sax to kill time.I almost got suspended from school though cuz' I just was like... a typical outcast beach bum not attending school much anymore though I had great grades. hmm. I really wonder now if I stayed what would of happened to all of us.. The band.. anyways..

So, I learned to animate simple stuff and now I have homework this week on animation which will keep me busy for awhile. As one of my past time I had made my former guitarist from 3+3 Ban become one of the avatar. tell me what ya think.

Here is the original Avatar ad

Here is before the embellishment of Ban

And here is Ban after a make over from moi.

or this one


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